Local Governing Body - register of interests
Anna Cook, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 03/07/23 - 02/07/24
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Guildford County School (Parent of children at the school, 03/07/2023)
Interests Confirmed: 25/02/2024
Alison Curtis, LGB Chair, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 01/09/22 - 31/08/26
First Appointed: 01/09/2018
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Fast Track Engineering Ltd (Director, 2003)
Guildford County School (Parent of a child at the school until August 2023)
Interests Confirmed: 27/02/2024
Mark Grimmett, Staff Governor
Current Term of Office: 01/09/22 - 31/8/26
First Appointed: 01/09/2018
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
None recorded.
Interests Confirmed: 22/02/2024
Iwan Hall, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 22/05/2023 - 21/05/2027
First Appointed: 22/05/2023
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Guildford County School (Close relative is employed by the school, 06/03/2024)
Interests Confirmed: 06/03/2024
Cassia Howells, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027
First Appointed: 01/09/2019
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
None recorded.
Interests Confirmed: 12/12/2022
Jules Kendrick, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 22/05/2023 - 21/05/2027
First Appointed: 22/05/2023
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
None recorded.
Interests Confirmed: 01/10/2023
Andy Milner, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027
First Appointed: 01/09/2019
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
DNA Stream Ltd (Director/Shareholder, 26/07/2006)
Neurequity Ltd (Director, 01/01/2020)
Interests Confirmed: 14/09/2023
David Morland, Parent Governor
Current Term of Office: 22/05/2023 - 21/05/2027
First Appointed: 22/05/2023
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Learning Partners Academy Trust (Close relative is employed by a school in the trust, 30/11/2002)
Guildford County School (Close friend is employed by the school, 01/10/2013)
Guildford County School (Parent of a child at the school, 04/09/2022)
Learning Partners Academy Trust (Close relative is employed by a school in the trust, 27/09/2023)
Interests Confirmed: 25/02/2024
Howard Moss, Parent Governor
Current Term of Office: 22/05/2023 - 21/05/2027
First Appointed: 22/05/2023
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Guildford County School (Parent of children at the school, 22/05/2023)
Interests Confirmed: 01/03/2024
Gavin O'Grady, Community Governor - LGB Vice Chair
Current Term of Office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027
First Appointed: 01/09/2019
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Guildford County School (Parent of children at the school, 01/09/2018)
Interests Confirmed: 26/02/2024
James Relph, Community Governor
Current Term of Office: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/26
First Appointed: 01/09/2018
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
None recorded.
Interests Confirmed: 24/03/2024
Steve Smith, Headteacher, Ex Officio Governor
First Appointed: 01/09/2018
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Chair of Governors, Wey Valley College 31/10/22 - present
Interests Confirmed: 22/02/2024
Carole Weston, Staff Governor
Current Term of Office: 15/10/2022 - 14/10/2026
First Appointed: 15/10/2018
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
None recorded.
Interests Confirmed: 10/02/2024
Adrian Woodman, Community Governor
Term of Office- 1/9/19 - 31/8/23
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Heights Educational Trust (Trustee, Sep 2014)
RGS Guildford (Deputy Headteacher, Sep 2004)
Interests Confirmed: 22/02/2024
Historic (left within last 12 months)
Tim Closs, Parent Governor
Term of Office - 1/9/19 - 31/8/23
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Future Health Words Ltd (Employee, Jan 2017)
Kirsty Jennings, Trust Appointed Governor
Term of Office - 01/09/18 - 31/8/23
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
None recorded.
Hilary Readhead, Parent Governor
Current Term of Office: 22/05/2023 - 26/02/2024
First Appointed: 22/05/2023
Name of organisation (and nature of business, date)
Nothing to declare 22/11/2023